1987 Nissan Skyline R31 GTS-R
Vehicle details
This HR31 GTS-R was found on tradecarview.com in December 2016, asking $17,677 (USD). Unfortunately, the full VIN was not displaying, so we have only been able to record that the VIN begins with "138" - making it one of the later cars in the batch of 823 that were produced. For more information on these cars, please see our Skyline GTS-R identification guide here, or have a look at the cars we have so far on our Skyline GTS-R register.
At the time of sale, the seller made no comments about the vehicle's overall condition. If anyone knows the final details of the chassis number for this car, and where it sells to, please contact us so we can update the vehicle's profile.
If you have a GTS-R, please sign up and add it to Classic Register so we can keep track of all these rare GTS-Rs!